Wenzhou shoe industry is brewing a big outbreak!

The 10 major industrial chains in Wenzhou are brewing a bigger outbreak!
How will Wenzhou's manufacturing industry develop with high quality in the next 5 years? A few days ago, the "Wenzhou City's Action Plan for the Implementation of the Reengineering of the Manufacturing Industry and the Industrial Chain Upgrade Project" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") was announced.
The "Action Plan" aims to be independent and controllable, safe and efficient, with domestic substitution as the core, and domestic and international double cycles as the main body to promote domestic and international double cycles, to combine short plates with forging long plates, and focus on "5+5" Industrial chain, the whole chain guards against industrial chain supply chain risks, gives full play to the unique advantages of Wenzhou's industry, and strives to build a "window-type" advanced manufacturing base that leads the province, serves the whole country, and is in line with international standards.
To develop advanced manufacturing, Wenzhou has a clear goal——
Among them, the goals of the shoe industry chain are:
Targeting footwear industry clusters in Italy, Marche, Fujian Quanzhou, etc., focusing on branding, fashion, and individualization, focusing on the development of mid-to-high-end footwear products, forming quality standardization, innovative design, intelligent production, and marketing network We will strive to become a fashion design center, intelligent manufacturing center, and exhibition and trade center for the international footwear industry, and build a development pattern that focuses on Lucheng and promotes the development of Longwan, Ouhai, Ruian, and Yongjia in coordination, and promotes the "Chinese shoe capital" Towards the "world shoe capital" development. By 2025, the annual output value of the shoe industry chain will reach 100 billion yuan.
Peru initiates an anti-dumping review investigation on changes in our footwear products
According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, on December 24, 2020, the Dumping, Subsidies and Non-Tariff Trade Barriers Commission of the National Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Agency of Peru published No. 192-2020/CDB-INDECOPI in the official daily newspaper ElPeruano Announcement, decided to initiate an anti-dumping situation review investigation on footwear products originating in China with rubber, plastic or leather uppers (excluding sandals and slippers). The tariff codes of the products involved are 6402.19.0000, 6402.20.0000, 6402.91.0000, 6402.99.9000, 6403.91.9000, 6403.99.9000, 6405.10.0000 and 6405.90.0000.

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